07 April 2010

happy feet, welcome to my garden, and Easter view

  1. I wiggle my toes with happiness as I put on my fuzzy, red socks
  2. The neighbour's children have painted a sign welcoming the bees to their garden . . . "Dear Bees, we hope you find . . . "
  3. On Easter morning I drive to cousin Debora's flat to pick her up for dinner. I'm a few minutes early and park the car on a street with a view to the sparkling white mountains, fresh with new snow. CBC Radio Two is on and I listen to Bach's Mass in B minor. The mountains and music meet and I close my eyes in wonder


HKatz said...

Even though I have no liking for bees, I think the bee welcome sign is delightful and adorable and imaginative :)

And I hear you about the socks - there's a lot of contentment in a good pair of socks.

Becoming Human said...

Especially red, fuzzy socks! I think I should have a pair for each day of the week.