27 February 2011


A happy scene greats me as I look up from making bacon jam: Doug's putting up shelves in the bedroom and Jasmine's creating music with itunes.  It feels like a bit of family.

24 February 2011

graciously grateful

The woman at the table next to me is graciously grateful.  She tells her host, "The meal was wonderful and the company even better."

21 February 2011

as good as they said

Friends who have lived in and visited Lunenburg before me have been full of praise for The Knot - our local pub - and its famous Caesar salad. I wander down to give it a try  - and it's every good as they promised.

19 February 2011

yin yang

All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.  Anatole France

18 February 2011

chasing sunrise

Vibrant splashes of orange, pink, and yellow greeted me as I left for work this morning.  Instead of turning right at the stop sign, I turned left and chased the sunrise to the shore.

17 February 2011

being brave

Last night's conversation with Grace touched on being brave. "But I don't feel brave."  "You don't always have to feel brave to be brave" was her answer.

15 February 2011

good morning

This morning starts off right with two sweet emails from a niece and nephew. They make me laugh out loud at a time that I'm usually playing mind games with the alarm clock.

14 February 2011

Finding Home

There seem to be degrees of 'home'.  There's the deep inner knowing that I made the right decision to move and then there's letting my heart settle in at it's own pace. Don't rush it, take it easy, it will come.

06 February 2011

vantage point

For February I'm living an old house converted into holiday flats, and from my vantage point on top floor I look down on Lunenburg Harbour.  This morning the wind blows the water right towards me in long sheets of racing grey waves.

05 February 2011

connect the dots

I have a feeling my adventure here in small town Nova Scotia will be one exciting game of connect the dots.  Tonight, the guy I chatted with at our local pub grew up with the woman from whom I bought my car five hours earlier in another town.  For a Community Developer, it's a dream come true.

04 February 2011

ring my bell

My doorbell rings for the first time.  Hoorah!  My friend has come to take me for a wintery walk.

02 February 2011

no regrets

One of the most common responses folks make in response to the news that I've moved across the country is, "I've always wanted to do that..."  Nothing is easy and I know this change will come with it's challenges, but I know that I will never regret taking this leap.  No matter what,  when I'm 80 I'll be glad I did this!

01 February 2011

never too small

"No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted."  - Aesop

Standing at the library's scanner today, neither the librarian nor myself could figure where the flash drive went.  I could feel panic setting in as I thought about the looming deadline.  A voice came from nowhere, "Lift the grey flap."  There was the port, and on my first day in this new place, it felt like a miracle.